Addtech companies Stig Wahlström Hydraulik and TUBE Control merges and becomes WTB Control
On December 1st 2021 the two hydraulic companies Stig Wahlström Hydraulik and TUBE Control, both within the Addtech Group, will be merged. The current CEO of the two companies, Anders Berkevall, will now be CEO of WTB Control.

Stig Wahlström Hydraulik and TUBE Control both have a history dating back to the 1950s. A solid competence and experience that follows into WTB Control where they will continue to offer production and assembly of both units and valve blocks for hydraulics. In summary, the hydraulic solutions control the function of, for example, loaders and trucks. Customers include market-leading industrial companies such as Volvo Construction Equipment, Väderstad, Mitsubishi Logisnext, Cargotec and Saab.
With the merger, the two companies will grow to doubled size and with a total of 50 employees, they will greatly increase their capacity. The business will continue to be conducted with head office and assembly in Stockholm, as well as production and assembly in own factories in Skövde. Having their production in Sweden, the company has full control of the entire production process, a strong advantage and proximity that customers appreciate.
CEO of WTB Control will be Anders Berkevall who has been CEO of Stig Wahlström Hydraulik since 2010. He has also been CEO of TUBE Control since the beginning of 2021.
– Despite the pandemic, the demand for our hydraulic components has constantly increased. Therefore, it feels very good that Stig Wahlström Hydraulik and TUBE Control now continue the growth journey together in one and the same company, says Anders Berkevall and continues:
– WTB Control will be a strong player that with an incredible competence and experience combined will be able to continue to meet our customers’ high demands for quality at all levels.
Work is now underway to greatly increase the capacity of the company’s factories in Skövde, where they are expanding both warehouse and factory. The last time they expanded was just over a year ago. The new extension is expected to be completed in the spring of 2022.
Part of Addtech Group
WTB Control will be part of the Swedish listed technology solution group Addtech, which today consists of 140 independent group companies. WTB Control belongs to the Group’s business area Industrial Solutions.

Press contact:
Anders Berkevall, VD WTB Control
070-580 85 65