In WTB Control

Wandfluh about our collaboration: “We are constantly impressed by the level of expertise and innovative power that exists at WTB”

Wandfluh is a Switzerland-based company that both produces and develops hydraulic valves, electronics, software and power units. The company is a market leader in its niche and is represented by both sister companies and sales partners worldwide.

Wandfluh is a company at the forefront when it comes to hydraulic valves with proportional control. Andrew Stover, Area Sales Manager at Wandfluh says:


– Our proportional products are an integral part of our business, and we strive to provide reliable products that exceed customer expectations. Our goal is to continue to supply components and electronics that enable our partners and their customers to develop innovative, precise and long-lasting hydraulic systems and solutions.


The company has been a close partner to WTB Control for many years. Wandfluh supplies us with hydraulic valves and associated electronics, designed for precise and demanding applications. They provide a broad portfolio of high-quality and cost-effective standard products as well as custom-engineered solutions designed to meet the needs of specific customer applications.


– We highly value our collaboration with WTB, and we are constantly impressed by their level of expertise, innovative power and success. Working with them as a partner is always inspiring and engaging, says Andrew Stover.

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